Meet the Team

Betty Dupont of Surfside Somatics in Nantucket, Massachusetts

Betty Dupont

Over the last 27 years, Betty Dupont has dedicated herself to serving the Nantucket community through manual physical therapy techniques like muscle energy methods, craniosacral therapy, and joint mobilizations. The trajectory of her practice took an unexpected turn during the 2020 pandemic, granting her the time to delve into a new and unfamiliar realm that prompted her to question long-held beliefs.

Betty's introduction to Somatics occurred when a friend and patient grappling with persistent low back pain sought alternatives after exhausting traditional treatments. Despite trying manual PT, injections, and conventional exercises, her friend's condition didn't improve. Facing the prospect of a spinal fusion, she stumbled upon Essential Somatics, a body of work developed by Thomas Hanna, at a yoga festival. This series of exercises aims to reconnect the nervous system and brain with muscles and joints. Such connections can be disrupted by injuries, surgeries, and trauma, leading to the body getting stuck in reflex patterns that traditional methods cannot address.

Surprisingly, after five months of practicing Somatics, Betty encountered her friend running past her on the bike path. This success story prompted Betty to dive deep into Somatics over the past two years, ultimately becoming a certified Essential Somatics instructor. She is also in the process of completing her Clinical Somatics certification training, which will take another 2.5 years.

Impressed by the effectiveness of Somatics with her patients, Betty has phased out her manual practice and now focuses on teaching group and individual Somatic sessions. She looks forward to guiding others on their journey toward a more active, pain-free life. Betty Dupont is eager to help you embark on this new and transformative experience.

Liz Finlay, Somatics practitioners smiling

Liz Finlay

Liz Finlay began her journey in Somatic Movement in 2020 taking a Fundamentals Course with Betty. Building upon her passion for the mind-body connection, Liz has since immersed herself in continuous learning, completing a second Fundamentals Course, participating in four enriching Somatics retreats, and ultimately earning her Essential Somatics® Movement Teacher certification.

Shortly after receiving her Bachelor’s degree in psychology from UVM, Liz moved to Nantucket and has lived on the island for almost 30 years. She and her husband John have three children, all Nantucket natives. She has been involved in several organizations on the island over the years serving on boards or volunteering and believes Somatics is another way to help people. While Liz remains an active real estate broker at Great Point Properties, she is thrilled to be a part of Surfside Somatics offering group and private classes. 

Surfside Somatics offers something for everyone, from group sessions to virtual classes.