individual somatic
movement series

These one-on-one movement sessions introduce you to several of Thomas Hanna's basic exercises. The private session allows me to focus on accessing which of the 3 reflexes your body is stuck in and I can tailor your home exercise program to maximize your function and freedom.

semi-private sessions

Groups of 2-3 people. These small intimate sessions allow for greater discussion about concepts of Essential Somatic as we work on basic exercises focusing on more than one reflex pattern.

virtual classes

Virtual classes are hosted on Zoom. They are a 1-hour long exploration of somatic movements. All levels are welcome. You will be emailed the link to the Zoom class after you sign up. Please set up your mat so you can see your full body on your computer screen.

Groups at Supta Yoga Graphic

SUpta Somatic Sessions

These sessions are located at Supta Yoga at 9 Amelia Drive. The Union app is used to buy Somatic sessions and you can sign up for individual or a series of classes. The classes are divided into Beginner's and Intermediate levels and are capped to a maximum of 18 people.


Listen to class recordings from Surfside Somatics that you can listen to in your own time and from the comfort of your own space. Each audio focuses on a specific area of the body and are available to download, meaning you can listen as many time as you like. Access the audios here.

Ready to get started?

Frequently Asked Questions

A somatics group session taught by a certified instructor.
  • Somatics is a series of neurological exercises developed by Thomas Hanna which release habituated patterns in the body that cause pain and dysfunction.

  • Somatic movement education isn’t a passive experience. Somatics teaches you how to actively make changes in the connection between your brain and body. You learn to “fix” yourself through slow, mindful movements that rewire the nervous system at the cortical level.

  • The beauty of Somatics is that your eyes are closed, so you can better connect to your body. The movements are slow and can be modified for any pain or discomfort.

Students during a healing somatics sessions at Surfside Somatics.
  • Any loose fitting comfortable clothes are appropriate.

  • Everyone comes to Somatics with a different life and injury history. You will hopefully notice changes in pain and range of motion in the first class, but you’re encouraged to practice some of the exercises 5-10 minutes a day for the most benefit.

  • Somatics is complimentary to all other movement practices. If the connection between your nervous system and body is improved through Somatics, it will translate into improved movement and decreased pain in your other activities.